Tuesday, March 4, 2014

what do YOU want?

Have you ever been asked the question: What do you want?...

What do you want right now?
What do you want out of life?
What do you want for your future?
What do you want to do?

And there are probably hundreds of other options but you get the gist.  The point is: Things come in and out of our lives sometimes sporadically and sometimes more frequent.  Regardless of how often or not often things happen - the smallest to largest change can alter what you want. 

In a perfect world these questions wouldn't even be asked because they wouldn't relevant.  You'd already have anything and everything you could ever want.  But the world isn't perfect.  Thus giving these questions the power, the power to make us question, despise, reevaluate, learn, and enjoy our lives we have set up for ourselves.  

But I do feel as though these questions can be answered.  Answering these questions isn't the hard part.  The hard part is making your answers become your reality!  I want to be happy, healthy, loved, enjoyed, and even spoiled.  I want my life and future to be unlimited!  I want the whole world and I also want to be alone.  I want the best of both worlds.  

I'm now finding that answering these questions is simple and now I have to do what I want to achieve these.  Surrounding myself with family and friends and taking advantage of this time in my life to do whatever I want!  Travel, splurge, go out with friends - enjoying myself and my time.  This is what I've learned that will help me achieve my answers to "what I want?".

So whether you're happy and loving life or feeling a little lost or down, take a moment and ask yourself what do you want? and then... go do it!... You will thank me later.