Monday, July 15, 2013

Painters in Training

On Friday the 12th after work, Caitlin and Rachel picked me up at home and we headed to Saratoga for our first Paint and Sip experience!  We had signed up for the "Almond Blossoms" painting.  We arrived a little late, so we checked in, got our smocks on, and luckily there were 3 seats next to each other we could all sit at.  We followed along with the instructors directions and started to mix colors together for the background of our "art-work".  As it was drying, we went up to the bar and got our wine-on!

After our backgrounds dried, we were instructed on how to paint the branches, then the apple blossoms, then the black outlines to highlight the branches, and finally to sign our names.  After each instruction we were free to paint while music blasted through the speakers.  You get to paint, sing your heart out, drink, and spend time with friends - what's better than that?!

All and all the class lasted about 2 hours.  After you signed your name and your painting dried a little, we were instructed to get into the groups of friends we came with for pictures of our masterpieces.  Below is the picture of our 3 pieces...

If anyone is looking for something new and different to try, check out their website to see if you are interested in any of their upcoming paintings and then sign up!  A new location is opening soon in Latham - which will be a lot easier for Albany drivers to get too!

Cannot wait to sign up for our next masterpiece Caitlin and Rachel!

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